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Research Subject of Interest

Continuum mechanics (Coupled T-H-M-C processes), Geomechanics, Soil Mechanics (Unsaturated soil mechanics), Rock Mechanics (Fractured rock mechanics), Geotechnical Engineering, Geoenvironmental Engineering, Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology (excluding Hydrogeochemistry), Geochemistry (applied to Geotechnical engineering), Coastal Engineering, Sedimentology (exclusively physics and surface chemistry of sediments)

Potential Applications

  • Underground nuclear waste depository

  • Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) Development

  • Landslide risk analysis and mitigation

  • Rock/Soil Slope stability analysis and stablization

  • Tunnelling and subsurface excavation

  • Foundation engineering

Examples of On-Going Research

Determination of Coefficient of Lateral Earth Pressure at Rest

Background: Previously proposed empirical solutions are not inclusive for both cohesive and non-cohesive soils. Moreover, the solutions for non-cohesive soils require shear strength testing which is believed to be unnecessary.

What has been done: A singular solution has been proposed for both types of soils. This solution requires only the specific volume, making the laboratory testing more convenient. Lab tests show that the solution works very well for slighty cohesive soil. The results for cohesive soil and non-cohesive soil are still inconculsive.

Future work: Refine the statistical analysis of the solution using a larger database (previous analysis was based on 1,200 data points). More laboratory testing to prove the vailidity of the solution.

Conventional Geothermal or Shallow EGS Potential of Wichian Buri Basin

Background: Thailand is a major hot spot for geothermal energy because of the subduction of a major continental plate causing several fault systems and thin crusts with high heat flow. Tapping this shallow heat potential would greatly reduce the dependency on non-renewable energy.

What has been done: According to reveiwing of secondary data, a fault system in the Wichian Buri basin is found to be a source of several hot springs. Although these hot springs are only 50-60 degrees Celcius, it is highly possible that the heat source is shallow. Together with the structual control of the area, it is also possible that the reservoir (either natural or man-made) will be situated in a perfect setting for either conventional geothermal or shallow EGS development. 

Future work: Pre-feasbility study of the area - starting from determining the depth of the heat source.

Chemical Weathering Effects on Slope Stability

Background: Open excavation in forms of slopes is always accompanied by weathering. Chemical weathering is particularly intense in Thailand's hot and humid climate, causing the slope to become unstable after a certain period of time .

What has been done: Using the Oxidation Diffusion Model (Oyama & Chigira, 1999), the thickness of the oxidation front can be calculated and the thickness of the unstable layer in an infinite slope can be determined. This allows the factor of safety for a simple infinite slope to be adjusted according to the weathered layer thickness and time of weathering.

Future work: Consider other chemical processes and extend the application to finite slopes.

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